Last weekend, as you all know, I met up with Mortgage Guy on Saturday afternoon at Starbucks. Everything went well – it was explained to him that I lived in New York and my reasons wanting to move back to New Hampshire. That was made crystal clear to him.
After our initial meeting, I went to the Hen House and he went off with his daughter for the night. We were texting all that night - excited we met each other and looking forward to the following weekend when he would have more time to spend with me.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, we go back and forth with the emailing, but no phone call. Again!
Thursday, I didn’t hear from him all day, so before I left work to drive back to New Hampshire I sent him this:
CARRIE: Did you guys get snow up there today? We got a few inches here in NJ/ took me 1.5 hours to drive 12 miles to work! NJ/NY people can't drive for sh*t! So, how are you? Today is my Friday! Totally ready to get out of here!
MORTGAGE GUY: Drive safe sexy, we only got an inch so far. When are you up here? Tomorrow? Maybe we can get together Sunday?
*Raising eyebrow*
Sunday? Really?
CARRIE: I can’t Sunday, I am going to Laconia to watch my nephew play hockey at 3:00pm.
MORTGAGE GUY: Maybe Saturday we can meet up again at Starbucks.
Starbucks? Really? I thought we already did that. What about Friday night or Saturday night?
*takes deep breath*
Instead of replying, I called him during my drive to New Hampshire, hoping to firm up plans for the weekend.
He doesn’t answer, and I leave a message.
I don’t hear from him until the following night, which was Friday.
MORTGAGE GUY: Welcome home, I’m in for the night with my daughter. I’ll call you tomorrow to see if we can maybe meet up for a coffee again. Have a good night.
CARRIE: Thank you - Saturday afternoon should work.
Now….I’m pretty sure that you think I’m going to tell you that he called and we met up, right?
MORTGAGE GUY (Sunday 11:42am): Have fun today at the hockey game.
I text Julie to vent and tell her the situation.
JULIE: Next! He isn’t doing anything to make plans with you. Don’t let him call the shots. This is your time. NEXT!
CARRIE: So flippin’ irritated. I’m ignoring him. He owes me an apology for not doing what he said he would - a little common courtesy goes a long way in my book.
JULIE: More than that! He would have made time for you!
CARRIE: Ding! Ding!
Needless to say, I was completely irritated. It’s not that I didn’t get to meet up with Mortgage Guy, it’s the fact that he didn’t call when he said he would. If he couldn’t meet up, then fine. JUST TELL ME.
I LOATH RUDE PEOPLE......$#%&!!!!!
So, I thought I would ignore his text, but then the fiery red head came out in me.
Screw it!
Screw it!
CARRIE: Really? I think the only thing you should be texting is, “I’m sorry I didn’t call you like I said I would.” A little common courtesy goes a long way in my book.
So, for every one of you who think that being single is fun, and that dating is easy this is the crap that I have to put up with!
Dating isn't supposed to be this difficult! And, I would just like to know one thing...
Where is MY Justin Matisse?????
"Dancing's just a conversation between two people. Talk to me." ~ Justin Matisse in the movie "Hope Floats."
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. You and me both share the favorite movie. Where is my Justin Matisse? I've been dating since I was 14, where is he?????????? (SATC) Correction. Where is my Justin Matisse whom I also feel massively strong chemistry with the same as he feels for me? Gotta be specific with the universe, remember?